Goodlife Fitness operates a series of gyms throughout the city. Normally, I workout downtown at their City Center location since that's where I work, eat, socialize - you get the point. On the weekends, I'm far too tired to even consider the hour long drive into the city, so I work out at the Goodlife closest to my place.
Here's the ironic part - the gym is located inside Loblaw's (our Canadian chain of grocery stores). Now, it's not at the front of the store or to the side even. Nope, the gym is upstairs, directly above the bakery. It's harsh and cruel punishment first thing in the morning. I do not want to be sweating my butt off on the treadmill with the smell of fresh cinnamon buns streaming through the gym. It's cruel and unnecessary. I mean, I'm trying to work off all those sweet treats - I don't want to be compelled to go eat MORE.
Ugh, maybe the gym on the weekend isn't such a hot idea.
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